As uptown real estate professionals and residents, we have a keen sense of the neighborhood and its price trends. We have worked tirelessly to increase the property values in the area through our aggressive pricing strategy and quest for exceeding the possible. Our clients know that we will never settle for anything but the best possible price for a property. Let us handle the sale of your home - it will be the best real estate decision you ever make!
Pricing an apartment is an art form. It takes extensive knowledge of current market conditions and trends combined with an ability to determine the value of each home based on its unique set of circumstances, whatever they may be. In addition to accurate pricing, we give you suggestions on how to physically improve the marketability of your property and how to prepare it for showings. Contact us for a free evaluation of your property - this is one phone call you will not regret making!
Because of our physical location in the area which we primarily represent, we have strong connections in the community. We are proud to say that a big number of our buyers are referred to us by past customers and clients, which is the best kind of a recommendation we can ask for.
In addition to a wide array of referral customers, we collaborate with the real estate community to ensure maximum exposure to your property. Once we receive an offer, we have solid connections with a network of attorneys, mortgage professionals, and property managers familiar with your property making the sales process easier for everyone involved. After all, our goal is to sell your property at the highest possible price as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort on your part.
We often sell our properties to our existing customer base, but in addition to this fabulous resource, we design a marketing package that is the best fit for your property. Our aim is to maximize the exposure of your property via various online marketing tools, including but not limited to New York Times, Streeteasy, Trulia, Zillow, etc.
In order to bring you only the most qualified buyers and offers, we do a careful screening of each and every potential buyer, including a review of their financial documentation and credit history. In addition, we recommend asking for a letter of prequalification from a lender before accepting an offer to ensure that the buyer is financially qualified to move forward with the purchase. This step is even more important than bringing you a great offer, because if your buyer fails to close, you will have wasted precious time on the market and will have to start the process all over, potentially losing more than just time. We make sure your home gets sold for the most amount of money possible in the least time possible with minimum effort on your part!
One of our sales agents will be present at each and every showing of your property to guarantee the safety and accurate representation of your home. The greater the access to your property, the better the results will be. The open houses hosted by our professional agents provide an opportunity for targeted buyers to visit your home within a limited time window, thus presenting minimal disruption to your daily life. Open houses are also an important method to gather customer feedback from the buying public and the real estate community.
Negotiating a price for an apartment is a complicated process that requires solid knowledge of market trends as well as an understanding of the psychology of buyers. In addition to being able to an accurate price for your property, a real estate broker's single most important task is negotiating the highest possible sale price with the most attractive terms to the seller client. Selecting a highly skilled, experienced broker generally ends up saving you money in the end, since the higher price negotiated by the broker more than pays for the broker's commission.
Our work does not end with the accepted offer - we assist you and your buyer(s) every step of the way until closing. The purchase application, i.e. board package, is one of the most critical pieces of a sale as a poorly assembled package can result in your sale being rejected by the board. Therefore, we make sure that it is carefully reviewed by our real estate team prior to submission to the board. Because we are familiar with the requirements of the boards and the potential pitfalls, we help your buyer(s) complete their application in a way that maximizes their chances to be approved by the board and minimizes any delays in scheduling a board interview.
Once you accept an offer on your property, you will need to hire an attorney to assist you in the legal aspects of the sale and to liaise with the other attorneys involved in the sale. Your attorney will also review with you the various fees associated with the sale. Aside from the broker's commission and the attorney fees, your costs include but are not limited to the city and state transfer taxes, transfer agent fees, flip tax (if applicable), bank fees, and ucc filing fee.
In addition to the above, your attorney will draft the contract of sale and forward it to the buyer's attorney for review. Once the buyer(s) have signed the contract, your attorney will get it back again, at which point you will execute it, and the buyer's contract deposit will be deposited in your attorney's escrow account until closing. At this point, you can kick back and relax, and let us handle the sale on your behalf until it's time to come to the closing to collect your check!